Approach. Stages of the Innovation Journey
Learn. Continuous Learning
It all starts with being aware of new developments. Think of new technologies, new methodologies or new trends.
Awareness & Inspiration sessions are a good starting point to get everyone on the same page. But that’s not enough. Once you know what’s out there you want to learn about a specific topic and get insight.
What we do during the LEARN stage of the Innovation Journey:
- Creating awareness about the fast and continuous changes that are happing in the world of new technologies
- Inspiring people to become curious enough to learn more about topics in the area of new technologies, new methodologies and new trends
- Learning during expert sessions, lectures and interactive sessions
- Innovation Coaching, training on the job
Examples of Learn Topics: Blockchain, IoT, AI, 3D printing, Smart City, Entrepreneurship, Agile, Design Sprints
Dream. Experimenting
Once you are aware of new opportunities you start thinking: “what could this mean to my business, product, service or market?”
That’s the moment to start experimenting with new technologies, methodologies or start-ups.
What we do during the DREAM stage of the Innovation Journey is:
o Start experimenting with new technologies and methodologies
o Organise Design Sprints in order to find validated solutions to real problems, build a prototype and test them with real clients in just a few days
o Set up your dream start up, select your dream start up, organise pitch sessions
Examples of Dream topics: Experimenting with new technologies such as IoT/ Smart Platforms, AI/algorithms, Robotics. Experimenting with recycling and upcycling, using 3Dprinting&recycled materials, creating new circular business models. Fasten your delivery by working Agile, build your own Start-up in an iterative way
Build. prototyping and scaling
Now that you have learned and tested what would work for your organisation, products or services, you want to build for real. Choose the way you want to do this, organise the facilities and build your desired product, service or start-up.
It’s of huge importance that employees are ready for the future. Future roles don’t exist today whereas today’s roles might not be in demand a few years from now. Consider current challenges such as climate change, decentralisation, circularity, increased cyber threats, entrepreneurship. What are your competitors doing? Are laws and regulations requiring changes? Are you and your colleagues prepared for the new skills in demand?
Chances are big that you will not argue IF you have to start innovating but more WHEN would be the right moment to start. What would you lose when you start …today?
o Build your product or service by prototyping & scaling faster than your competitors
o Upskill & Reskill your employees, be prepared for future roles
o Build your network & image by expanding your ecosystem
Examples of BUILD activities: building your own start-up, service or product. Expanding your network by organising meetups. Prepare your employees for the future. Participate in the circular economy.
When the WHY is clear and the WHAT has been decided, the HOW is easy to answer. Look at our services for more info or contact us directly for a quick start with innovating your organisation, products or services.